Pelagic Invertebrate Collection
The Scripps Pelagic Invertebrate Collection is among the world's preeminent collections of marine zooplankton. It includes over 140,000 whole zooplankton samples containing some 10
8 specimens. In addition to worldwide geographic coverage, the Collection includes the remarkable CalCOFI zooplankton time series, which has surveyed the California Current since 1949.
Zooplankton of the San Diego Region
This is a pictorial guide to some of the common zooplankton found in local marine waters near the coast of San Diego. It grew from a series of papers in the University of California Publications in Zoology published by early Scripps researchers. It is intended for the general public.
ZooDB - Zooplankton Database
The ZooDB zooplankton data module provides a queriable interface to extensive zooplankton data from the California Current System, 1951 through present. The plankton samples analyzed are mostly from
CalCOFI, a long-term sampling program that continues actively today. Most of the data are from nighttime samples from springtime cruises in two distinct geographical areas off California: Southern California and Central California.
Zooscan Database
This database includes digital Zooscan analyses of the PRPOOS net samples (202-m mesh, 0.5-m diameter; typically 210-0 m) taken on CalCOFI lines 80 and 90 from 2005 to the present. Analyses supported entirely by NSF via grants to the California Current Ecosystem LTER site.