California Current Ecosystem LTER

Dissolved Iron (CalCOFI Cruise)

Measurements of dissolved inorganic concentrations of nutrient iron and of iron limitation at selected stations and depths from CalCOFI cruises in the California Current System, Nov. 2002 - July 2004 (completed)

Measurements were made of iron (Fe) and the potential for phytoplankton iron limitation on CalCOFI survey cruises (2002-2004) in coastal transition zones of the southern California Current System. This is a weak upwelling regime that is relatively low in nutrients and chlorophyll. The majority of seawater samples from the mixed layer were collected using a pole sampler, others were collected using a trace metal clean Teflon pump system. Profiles for dissolved Fe analysis were collected using GO Flo bottles attached to a synthetic line and the seawater samples were filtered under ultra-pure conditions. Dissolved Fe was measured using an FeLume flow injection analysis system. Changes in phytoplankton (Chla response to Fe+) and nutrient parameters upon iron addition were also investigated.

habitats, marine, ecology, measurements, inorganic nutrients, iron, nutrient cycles, Inorganic Matter

LTER Data System Record
California Current Ecosystem LTER
CalCOFI - Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Barbeau, Katherine (

CCE LTER Information Manager (


table DissolvedIron
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Rows: 171
Columns: 12
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Selected Stations Seasonally


King, A. L., and Barbeau, K., Evidence for phytoplankton iron limitation in the southern California Current System. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 342, 91-103, 2007. CCE LTER Contribution #0035.

King, A.L., and Barbeau, K.A., Dissolved iron and macronutrient distributions in the southern California Current System. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (C3), C03018, 2011. CCE LTER Contribution #0055.