California Current Ecosystem LTER

Nano and Microplankton Abundance (CalCOFI Cruise)

Cell counts (per liter) by size groups of diatoms, autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton, via epifluorescent microscopy (EPI) from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2011 (ongoing).

Microbial community assemblages of the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) are assessed for abundance of diatoms, autotrophic (dinoflagellate and other eukaryotes) and heterotrophic (dinoflagellate and other eukaryotes) plankton using high-throughput digital epifluorescence microscopy (EPI). Samples to estimate the nano- and microplankton (0.2-2.0-µm and 2.0-20-µm size, respectively) are collected at various depths via Niskin bottles, preserved, stained, and filtered onto a membrane filter and mounted on a glass microscope slide aboard the quarterly CalCOFI survey cruises (since 2004, ongoing). Slides are then frozen at -80°C for subsequent imaging and analysis in the laboratory onshore.

marine, ecology, phytoplankton, microbes, abundance, epifluorescence

LTER Data System Record
California Current Ecosystem LTER

Landry, Michael (

CCE LTER Information Manager (


table NanoandMicroplanktonAbundance
Main data table for dataset
Rows: 772
Columns: 48
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General Methods
Samples for nanoplankton analyses (20-50 mL) will be preserved (2 mL, 10% paraformaldehyde), stained with the fluorochromes proflavin (25 µL, 0.033% w/v) and DAPI (50 µg mL-1), filtered onto 0.8-µm black polycarbonate filters, and mounted onto glass slides. These slides will be analyzed by size class and major taxon (diatoms, dinoflagellates, etc.) with a Zeiss Axiovert 200 microscope equipped with a fully motorized stage and Apotome imaging workstation for automated processing, 3-D reconstruction and extended-field focus. Microplankton samples (500 mL; glutaraldehyde and acid Lugols preserved) will be enumerated and sized with the Zeiss Axiovert system (inverted DIC mode) or with a newly acquired Flow Cytometer And Microscope (FlowCAM) system (Sieracki et al. 1998). Particle silhouettes are acquired in the FlowCAM’s optical sensing volume using frame-grabbing technology. Imaging software then estimates equivalent spherical diameters (ESD) and normalized particle size distributions (log ESD vs. log size; ~1000 particles/analysis). For each plankton group or size category, measured biovolumes will be converted to cellular C using the equations of Verity et al. (1992) and Menden-Deur & Lessard (2000).