CTD Cast, Bottle & Integrated Biology (CalCOFI Cruise)
- Title
- Measurements from CalCOFI cruises in the California Current System, including log of station information, weather, sea conditions as well as physical, chemical and biological measurements including including temperature, salinity, oxygen, density, sigma theta, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll a, integrated chlorophyll a, primary productivity, and integrated primary production. 1949 - January 2020
- Abstract
- Since 1949, hydrographic and biological data of the California Current System have been collected on quarterly CalCOFI cruises. The 59+ year hydrographic time-series includes weather, temperature, salinity, oxygen and phosphate observations. In 1961, nutrient analysis expanded to include silicate, nitrate and nitrite; in 1973, chlorophyll was added; in 1984, C14 primary productivity incubations were added.
These data are being provided here in collaboration with CalCOFI-SIO in order to provide an additional queriable interface to the data. The data are updated on a regular basis from the CalCOFI hydrographic database.
Cast Log
Hydrographic cast station info: time/date, lat/lon, Line/Sta, meterological data, single-point data such as sta averages. This table connects to "Bottle Data" on the Cst_Cnt field.
Rows: 34446
Columns: 54
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Bottle Data
Core hydrographic measurements. This table connects to "Cast Log" on the Cst_Cnt field.
Rows: 873160
Columns: 59
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- Goericke, R., E. Venrick, T. Koslow,, A. Mantyla, S.J, Bograd, F.B. Schwing, A. Huyer, R.L. Smith, P.A. Wheeler, R.Hooff, W.T. Peterson, F. Chavez, C. Collins, B. Marinovic, N. Lo, G. Gaxioloa-Castro, R. Durazo, K.D. Hyrenbach, and Sydeman, W.J., The State of the California Current, 2004-2005: Still cool?. CalCOFI Reports, 46, 32-71, 2005. CCE LTER Contribution #0012.
- Munro, D. R., Quay, P. D., Juranek, L. W., and Goericke, R., Biological production rates off the Southern California coast estimated from triple O2 isotopes and O2/Ar gas ratios. Limnology and Oceanography, 58 (4), 1312-1328, 2013. DOI 10.4319/lo.2013.58.4.1312. CCE LTER Contribution #0160.
- Décima, M., Landry, M. R., and Popp, B. N., Environmental perturbation effects on baseline delta-15N values and zooplankton trophic flexibility in the southern California Current Ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography, 58 (2), 624-634, 2013. DOI 10.4319/lo.2013.58.2.0624. CCE LTER Contribution #0230.
- Asch, R. G., and Checkley Jr., D. M., Dynamic height: A key variable for identifying the spawning habitat of small pelagic fishes. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 71, 79-91, 2013. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2012.08.006. CCE LTER Contribution #0229.
- Song, H., Miller, A. J., McClatchie, S., Weber, E. D., Nieto, K. M., and Checkley Jr., D. M., Application of a data-assimilation model to variability of Pacific sardine spawning and survivor habitats with ENSO in the California Current System. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117 (C3), C03009, 2012. DOI 10.1029/2011jc007302. CCE LTER Contribution #0188.
- Koslow, J.A., R. Goericke, A. Lara-Lopez, and W. Watson, Impact of declining intermediate-water oxygen on deepwater fishes in the California Current. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 436, 207-218, 2011. DOI 10.3354/meps09270. CCE LTER Contribution #0217.
- Goericke, R., The Size Structure of Marine Phytoplankton What Are the Rules?. CalCOFI Reports, 52, 198-204, 2011. CCE LTER Contribution #0214.
- Bjorkstedt, E.P., R. Goericke, S. McClatchie, E. Weber, W. Watson, N. Lo, B. Peterson, B. Emmett, R. Brodeur, J. Peterson, M. Litz, J. Gomez-Valdez, G. Gaxiola-Castro, B. Lavaniegos, F. Chavez, C.A., Collins, J. Field, K. Sakuma, P. Warzybok, R. Bradley, J. Jahncke, S. Bograd, F. Schwing, G.S. Campbell, J. Hildebrand, W. Sydeman, S.A. Thompson, J. Largier, C. Halle, S.Y. Kim, and J. Abell, State of the California Current 2010-2011: Regionally variable responses to a strong (but fleeting?) La Niña. CalCOFI Reports, 52, 36-68, 2011. CCE LTER Contribution #0220.
- McClatchie, S., Goericke, R., Cosgrove, R., Auad, G., and Vetter, R., Oxygen in the Southern California Bight: Multidecadal trends and implications for demersal fisheries. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L19602, 2010. DOI 10.1029/2010gl044497. CCE LTER Contribution #0164 ISI:000282433000006.
- McClatchie, S, Goericke, R, Auad, G, and Hill, K, Re-assessment of the stock-recruit and temperature-recruit relationships for Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 67, 1782-1790, 2010. DOI 10.1139/F10-101. CCE LTER Contribution #0067.
- McClatchie, S., Goericke, R., Schwing, F. B., Bograd, S. B., Peterson, W., Emmett, R., Charter, R., Watson, W., Lo, N., Hill, K., Collins, C., Kahru, M., Mitchell, B. G., Koslow, J. A., Gomes-Valdes, J., Lavaniegos, B. E., Gaxiola-Castro, G., Gottschalck, J., L'Heureux, M., Xue, Y., Manzano-Sarabia, M., Bjorkstedt, E., Ralston, S., Field, J., Rogers-Bennet, L., Munger, L., Campbell, G., Merkens, K., Camacho, D., Havron, A., Douglas, A., and Hildebrand, J., The State of the California Current, Spring 2008-2009: Cold conditions drive regional differences in coastal production. CalCOFI Reports, 50, 43-68, 2009. CCE LTER Contribution #0143.
- McClatchie, S., Goericke, R., Koslow, J. A., Schwing, F. B., Bograd, S. J., Charter, R., Watson, W., Lo, N., Hill, K., Gottschalk, J., L'Heureux, M., Xue, Y., Peterson, W. T., Emmett, R., Collins, C., Gaxiola-Castro, G., Durazo, R., Kahru, M., Mitchell, B. G., Hyrenbach, K. D., Sydeman, W. J., Bradley, R. W., Warzybok, P., and Bjorkstedt, E., The State of the California Current, 2007-2008: La Nina Conditions and their Effects on the Ecosystem. CalCOFI Reports, 49, 39-76, 2008. CCE LTER Contribution #0112.
- Peterson, B., Emmett, R., Goericke, R., Venrick, E., Mantyla, A., Bograd, S. J., Schwing, F. B., Hewitt, R., Lo, N., Watson, W., Barlow, J., Lowry, M., Ralston, S., Forney, K. A., Lavaniegos, B. E., Sydeman, W. J., Hyrenbach, D., Bradley, R. W., Warzybok, P., Chavez, F., Hunter, K., Benson, S., Weise, M., Harvey, J., Gaxiola-Castro, G., and Durazo, R., The State of the California Current, 2005-2006: Warm in the North, Cool in the South. CalCOFI Reports, 47, 30-74, 2006. CCE LTER Contribution #0041.
- Pedler, B., Aluwihare, L.I., and Azam, F., Single bacterial strain capable of significant contribution to carbon cycling in the surface ocean. PNAS, 111 (20), 7202-7207, 2014. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1401887111. CCE LTER Contribution #0251; AR2015.