California Current Ecosystem LTER


CalCOFI cruise off the coast of California 2003-10-20 - 2003-11-03

Begin Date

End Date

Datasets with data from this source

78 CTD Cast, Bottle & Integrated Biology (CalCOFI Cruise)
Measurements from CalCOFI cruises in the California Current System, including log of station information, weather, sea conditions as well as physical, chemical and biological measurements including including temperature, salinity, oxygen, density, sigma theta, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll a, integrated chlorophyll a, primary productivity, and integrated primary production. 1949 - January 2020
Wilkinson, James 1949 - 2020
111 Bird and Mammal Census Log - CalCOFI cruises
Log of transect datetimes and locations for bird and mammal census data for CalCOFI cruises off the west coast of the United States, 1987 - 2008
Sydeman, Bill 1987 - 2008
112 Bird and Mammal Census - CalCOFI cruises
Bird and mammal counts for CalCOFI cruises off the west coast of the United States, 1987 - 2008
Sydeman, Bill 1987 - 2008
254 Phytoplankton species composition, California Current (CalCOFI Cruises)
Temporal and spatial changes of the abundance and species composition of phytoplankton in the California Current from samples collected aboard CalCOFI cruises from summer 1996 through 2022.
Venrick, Elizabeth 1996 - 2022
316 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Pigments (CalCOFI Cruise)
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) pigment analysis from rosette bottle samples at various depths from CalCOFI-CCE Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2002 to 2023 (ongoing).
Goericke, Ralf
Stukel, Mike
Dovel, Shonna
2002 - 2023
307 Pteropod Shell Lengths
Shell lengths of pteropod, Limacina helicina antarctica, collected from the PAL LTER sediment trap along the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 2004 - 2018, and from net tows 2017-2018.
Thibodeau, Patricia 2017 - 2018