Datasets with data from this source
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CTD Cast, Bottle & Integrated Biology (CalCOFI Cruise)
Measurements from CalCOFI cruises in the California Current System, including log of station information, weather, sea conditions as well as physical, chemical and biological measurements including including temperature, salinity, oxygen, density, sigma theta, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll a, integrated chlorophyll a, primary productivity, and integrated primary production. 1949 - January 2020 |
Wilkinson, James | 1949 - 2020 | |
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Nano and Microplankton Biomass (CalCOFI Cruise)
Size group (pico, nano, micro) and group total carbon estimates from cell counts via epifluorescent microscopy (EPI) of heterotrophic and autotrophic plankton from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2010 (ongoing). |
Landry, Michael | 2004 - 2010 | |
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Nano and Microplankton Abundance (CalCOFI Cruise)
Cell counts (per liter) by size groups of diatoms, autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton, via epifluorescent microscopy (EPI) from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2011 (ongoing). |
Landry, Michael | 2004 - 2011 | |
54 |
Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen (CalCOFI Cruise)
Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen measurements at selected depths in the water column from CalCOFI-CCE Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - July 2020. |
Goericke, Ralf | 2004 - 2020 | |
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Picoplankton and Bacteria Abundance (CalCOFI Cruise)
Picophytoplankton and bacteria abundances analyzed with flow cytometry (FCM) from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2019 (ongoing). |
Landry, Michael | 2004 - 2019 | |
253 |
Total Dissolved Organic Carbon (CalCOFI Cruise)
Total dissolved organic carbon measurements at standard depths in the water column from nine CalCOFI cruises, 2008-2010. |
Aluwihare, Lihini | 2008 - 2010 | |
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Picoplankton and Bacteria Biomass (CalCOFI Cruise)
Picophytoplankton and bacteria total carbon estimates from cell counts analyzed with flow cytometry (FCM) from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2019 (ongoing). |
Landry, Michael | 2004 - 2019 | |
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Phytoplankton species composition, California Current (CalCOFI Cruises)
Temporal and spatial changes of the abundance and species composition of phytoplankton in the California Current from samples collected aboard CalCOFI cruises from summer 1996 through 2022. |
Venrick, Elizabeth | 1996 - 2022 | |
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Size Fractionated Chlorophyll (CalCOFI Cruise)
Size fractionation for total Chl a within the surface layer and calculated size distribution of total Chl a from discrete bottle samples from CCE-CalCOFI Augmented Cruises in the California Current System, 2004 - 2021 (ongoing). |
Goericke, Ralf | 2004 - 2021 | |
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Nitrate Isotopes (CalCOFI Cruise)
Nitrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of nitrate from CalCOFI lines 80 and 93 plus station 081.8 046.9. Collected on cruises from 2010 to 2016. |
Aluwihare, Lihini
White, Margot |
2010 - 2016 | |
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High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Pigments (CalCOFI Cruise)
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) pigment analysis from rosette bottle samples at various depths from CalCOFI-CCE Augmented cruises in the California Current System, 2002 to 2023 (ongoing). |
Goericke, Ralf
Stukel, Mike Dovel, Shonna |
2002 - 2023 |